Everyone has heard the saying “good things come in small packages,” and although it was intended to mean gift-giving, it applies to many things – even small dumpster rental packages. If you have a small DIY clean-out project that you have been putting off because you just don’t have anywhere to put the trash, next weekend is the perfect time to get it done! A small dumpster rental is the ideal way to de-hoard and get your home back to a better flow! These are four great projects to tackle next weekend!
Yard Clean-Up
With the change of seasons comes all sorts of clutter. Whether you have outdoor cushions that have reached their end or a gas grill that has exceeded its lifespan, the end of summer comes with the need to rid yourself of those things that probably won’t make it another year. Why keep it all sitting around cluttering up your backyard like dinosaur bones if you know it won’t be used again? Rent a small dumpster and have a purge day. Your yard will thank you!
Closet Clean-Out
Whether you are about to list your home or you are just tired of your exploding closets, now is an excellent time to become a minimalist. Go through your closets and decide what you need, what you need to donate, and what you need to throw out. The phrase “one’s man’s trash is another man’s treasure” does not apply to all things. If you are just holding onto things because it is easier than throwing them out, get rid of them. When the holidays and the guests come around, you will be so thankful that you took the time to get rid of the junk that was just collecting dust!
Sheds That Have Become Dumpsters
We all have those places where we put things that we don’t know what to do with or the regular trash won’t support. It’s likely you have been letting it sit around for far too long. A small dumpster rental costs very little, and you can get rid of those things taking up shed space. You can also purge all the other little extras sitting around cluttering your space. You can try to convince yourself that “out of sight, out of mind” applies, but we both know that it doesn’t and it is bothering you somewhere in the back of your mind. So like Elsa says, “Let it go…”
Back to School
No one wants to see the summer come to an end. But just like kids take the summer off, we as adults do, too. If you have been putting off cleaning things up, cleaning things out, and getting back to business, school is back in session and it is time to get yourself together for a more organized and productive work/school year. Now is the time to get down to business and seriously declutter to make life easier for the fall and winter ahead.
Good things do come in small packages, especially small dumpster rentals. We often hold on to things because the regular trash man won’t take them, but what we end with is an overflowing shed or a home filled with hoarding chaos. As we head into the fall, now is the time to get serious and rent a dumpster to make your life easier and more organized. At Summer Breeze, we have small dumpster rentals that are perfect to get those small jobs done! Reserve yours today!